January 12, 2012


Tonight I finally did something I've been meaning to do for months. Both dogs have a tags on their collars of course. One side of the main tag has their name, the other has my phone number and address. Kaytu has an additional tag from the rescue she came from, CGSR. Denali has an additional one with my parents' address on it as I lived there for about 8 months while my husband was deployed and we are back there once or twice a year to visit family so I just leave it on.

There is one tag that is just as important as one that has contact information. I made a tag for each dog that says on one side:


and on the other side:


I feel this tag increases the chances of the dog being returned if she is found. Yes, they are microchipped. But there is nothing actually preventing a person from simply keeping the dog. The enticement of a reward and the knowledge that the dog needs medication will hopefully be enough of a reason to contact me or at least take the dog to a shelter or a vet where they can scan the microchip. I want to do everything I can to get my dog returned should she ever become lost. Neither dog actually needs medication.

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