January 8, 2013

Training Tricks

I want to teach all the pets more tricks simply for the fun of it. I recently ordered a Clik Stik and have taught all 3 dogs to target it but haven't used it much yet. I mostly intend to use it professionally when working with tiny toy breeds, and also with my cats however they are both refusing the treats I have so no training is happening with them right now. I'm compiling a list of all the basic and simple tricks and behaviors I can think of as well as a few more complex ones that need more steps or shaping like skateboarding and blowing bubbles. I don't think both my dogs will ever learn everything on this list, the list is more to have ideas. Watching canine freestyle also gives me lots of ideas, I'm consistently blown away by how creative handlers are.

All behaviors and tricks can (and should) be taught without the use of physical manipulation or force. Luring, capturing, and shaping behaviors is easier, more motivating, and much more fun for everyone.

Shake/paw with either paw
High five with either paw
Shake head "No"and "Yes"
Beg/sit pretty
Side/play dead
Roll over
Cross paws
Spin (all paws on floor)
Twirl (up on hind legs)
Stack objects
Back up
Cover eyes
Jump through hoop/over bar
Jump though your arms/legs
Stand on your feet
Blow bubbles
Close drawers
Leap Frog (jump over other dog)
Weave through legs

Currently I'm teaching Denali crawl, leg weaving, and to stand between my legs with her front paws on my feet. Here's a video of her leg weaving, prior to this video she'd only done one ~10 minute session. I still need to do an exaggerated gesture (put my leg very high and wide) and lure her (hand under my leg) but she is doing very well!

Kaytu is learning beg, under the cue "Stick 'em up!" where she is also required to raise her paws up. She has done several short sessions of the beg position to build her muscles and balance. I also am teaching her "Bang!" where she lays flat on her side. I work Stick 'em Up and Bang! separately as she still needs to work on them individually (and get her a cowboy hat) before I string them together and have her go directly from beg to side position. For the sake of the video I put them together.

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