April 18, 2013

Shelter Journal 4/18/13

I was walking to get Sugar out first again and heard growling from a kennel. I look in and a chihuahua is baring its teeth and growling and snarling at the other dog in its kennel, a black and white cocker spaniel. Both dogs were extremely tense. The cocker seemed too scared (and too smart) to move at all. I booked it back to the office and grabbed a couple staff members telling them two dogs were about to fight- not fighting, but the chi was very, very unhappy. Woman got a leash on the cocker and led him out, and put him in his own kennel. Whew! On to Sugar.

Sugar was even more calm today than on Tuesday! As expected she jumped on me a bit when I entered her kennel but she wasn't out of control and wasn't throwing her weight into me. She did pull to the interaction yard but not as hard. Once there I think she only tried to jump up on me a couple times. So awesome! The walk back her kennel she didn't pull at all.

Two kennels down is a puppy that came in recently, a thin Vizsla and Labrador mix about 7 months old named Piper [no Petfinder link yet]. She was jumping all over me in the kennel, and tried to take off like a rocket once out. I held the leash short and low to keep her next to me and help prevent her from strangling herself she was pulling so hard. In the yard she was too amped up to take treats, and though she'd chase toys she wouldn't pick them up or play with them. Ok, let's speak dog. I bounced myself into a playful low stance, feet apart, slightly crouched over. She matched my stance with a playbow and a slight head turn, but still watching me. I hopped forward and she had an adorable spaz attack. She had butt-scootin' zoomies! I matched her, chasing and being chased, hopping back and forth, freezing then suddenly going again. Clapping my hands rapidly and cheering her on. She ran up to me a few times during our play and threw herself on her back; I'd calm myself and pet her nicely giving lots of good belly scratches. When she wanted to go again, we went running around. I'm not sure who was having more fun! After a few rounds of play she was ready to take treats. She doesn't know how to sit and wasn't easily lured so we took baby steps. Click and treat for looking straight up at the treat. Click and treat for doing that + shifting weight back. Play break! Click and treat for looking up and shifting weight back. Again and again and again until... she sits!! Sitting earned her the rest of the several treats I had in my hand and lots of petting, and another play break. I got her to sit twice that way.
Photo from SDDAC

Next I got Trapper [no link], a bluenose pit. Jumped all over me and was not easy to get out of the kennel. Despite his card saying he walked well on leash he was very difficult to walk. He pulled very, very hard and would turn back and bite the leash and tug on it. This is what happens when dogs aren't taken out! His card said he was sweet, great on leash, not a bad word to say. He hadn't been out of his kennel in over a week. In the yard he was a little jumpy but enjoyed chasing toys and playing with them. His card said he knew sit, down, and stay. He wouldn't lay down at all but did sit nicely. After giving him time to run and play his sweeter side really started to shine. As part of play he would grab the toy I'd toss, and he'd run back and wiggle under my legs. Very happy boy! As with Sugar, he'd do so much better if he was taken out more often. Oh, and I love the markings on his chest.
Photo from SDDAC

After Trapper I got Pickles again. She is a super strong puller but once in the yard was great. She has such an impressive physique! We played, I tossed toys for her, and mostly I just wanted her to run around and get some energy out. Great dog.

I also got out Davy, a young pittie. He was very sweet and playful, great lil guy! Lots of energy so we played a lot.
Photo from SDDAC

Someone has the zoomies!

Very handsome pup.
Then I got Callie [Petfinder link], a boxer mix. She was really playful and sweet. Not interested in treats much so we played instead, though she did finish off the rest of the treats I had with me.
Photo from SDDAC

Last was Riley, the little terrier I got out last week who SCREAMED at other dogs and was a nightmare in the yard. I was out of treats after Callie but figured if Riley was screaming I'd rather take him out for a walk than stay in the yard trying to train anyway. He pulled to the yard and then, to my surprise, began playing! I was so surprised because right next to us in the other yard a family was introducing a dog to their own dog. Riley sniffed the dogs through the fence but I was able to distract him by tossing toys and keep him from getting too worked up. He did grumble and yap a couple times but didn't go out of control and didn't scream at all! My ears were very thankful. He was mainly focused on the toys. I couldn't believe he was the same dog. Playing happily while dogs were so close! He played and played and though he did go over to the fence a few times he was easily distracted and didn't obsess and freak out like he had before. It was good to see him being so playful and sweet.

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