November 21, 2014

Adoption Event, and Cleopatra Adopted!

On Sunday the 16th I woke up at about 6am which is ridiculously early for me. I'm a night person, it's 2am as I type this. I got to the shelter at 7am to help load up the "minions" which were 9 little dogs, as well as Shamu our wonderful token big dog. The adoption event was at a church and we stayed until 2pm. In total, 4 cats were adopted along with one little dog!


Lacey was our one dog who was adopted.


Percy, in the cool down box for relentless humping (a sign of stress).

Vincent and Dillon

Shelly in the cool down box, she was stressed being in close quarters with so many dogs.

I had my husband meet me at the event with Cleopatra, and I left straight from there to take her to meet her new adopters an hour and a half away. I met up with the adoption coordinator en route and he led me up the mountain where the adopters live, at the observatory- how cool!!
Cleo met them and instantly hit it off. A few of their neighbors stopped by with their dogs, as it's a close-knit community and they wanted to see how Cleo did with the other dogs. She did great! Once inside I talked with them about her training, habits, and so on, and then her meet the kitty. Kitty wasn't happy but Cleo did great, not obsessing or pushing into kitty's space. After about 2 hours we left, as the adopters wanted a couple days to think about it. Sure enough they wanted her!! I received the news Tuesday and the next day met up with another adoption coordinator to drop her off. From there, Cleo made another short trip to meet the adopters who then took her home up the mountain. Officially adopted!!!!!!! I am so excited for Cleo. I already received an update and happy tears filled my eyes.
She looks a little cold! May need a sweater.

Loving mountain life!

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