November 29, 2014

New Harnesses & Thanksgiving

I ordered a couple new harnesses for the girls, an open back design I've really been wanting to try as it offers more natural movement and range of motion through the dog's back. I ordered them from Sheri Weatherbie after seeing photos of them in a sled dog pictures group.

I took measurements and asked for a purple one for Kaytu, and a light blue for Denali. Both with gray padding. She told me she couldn't find her light blue, and I know any blue looks good on Miss Nali so we went with regular blue. The harnesses arrived and I had Denali's on before I even registered that it was light blue!! Sheri had found the webbing and thought it best to surprise me. I'm thrilled!

Kaytu had already put on her harness today for a test run and knew we weren't
going again, thus her mildly irritated expressions!

Kaytu's harness is a tiny bit too big but it will be easy for me to stitch the ends just in front of the ring to shorten it. She's only run once in it, it's been so hot here still! San Diego doesn't know what fall and winter are, and even now at the end of November it's been in the 80s during the day. I don't mush at night because I can't tolerate any more spiders whacking against my helmet and body. Gah!

The harnesses came over Thanksgiving week, during which my in-laws were in town. Sad to say I don't have any terrible stories, they're wonderful people whom I adore and have a lot of fun with! On Thanksgiving morning, the husband and his dad went snorkeling at La Jolla Cove. As snorkeling freaks me out I opted to go for a hike with a bunch of other people, an event hosted by a friend I know through dog rescue but hadn't met yet. The husband's mom went with me so their two dogs could have some fun too. I decided to only take Denali, as I didn't walk to be handling two dogs and long walks can be frustrating for Kaytu as she wants so badly to run.

Snickers and Harley with my mother-in-law

Denali with her bright Denver Broncos collar I made

Of course being a rescue group, we came across two lost dogs! They were
reunited with their irresponsible owner.

Sally (now Missy) was also in attendance. She was one of my favorites at the shelter
during her stay there, and now has a home!

After the hike we came home, showered, and started on the Thanksgiving meal. It was great, very tasty! Snickers and Harley got some cuddles and petting form the husband.


Snickers is not good with cats and to keep them safe they were kept in our bedroom all week. It gets chilly in there and Everest gets cold, so while out shopping Nate saw these "jammies" for dogs and they were too funny (and practical) to pass up. Everest has been conditioned to wear clothes, as last year I worked to get him used to his T-Rex costume for Halloween. With a shirt on he is more brave, confident, and bold. He moves around much more and plays more. Without the shirt he stays curled up tight and I've felt him shivering. He seems to appreciate wearing shirts. These jammies had weird foot things that were meant to wrap around a dog's back legs. They didn't fit cat anatomy, and would be uncomfortable so I cut them off.

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