January 3, 2015

Pancake and Waffle Return

Waffle and Pancake have been back with me for a week. They did 2 weeks of parvo quarantine and isolation at the shelter. I visited them twice. They never had diarrhea, and got through parvo very nicely! Unfortunately the lack of interaction and socialization took its toll. Both were extremely needy, whiny, and barky for several days. I couldn't walk more than 10-15 feet away from their pen without them screaming their complaints. The first few mornings, Pancake would bark nonstop for about half an hour. I refuse to give in to attention barking, when the dog's only motivation for barking is to get a response and reaction from me. So I wait, impatiently, for the barking and whining tantrums to stop. My eyes bulge and I grind my teeth. My brain explodes. I know the noise will eventually stop, and it does. As soon as a puppy settles, I approach and pick him up for some love, cuddles, play, and/or training. Waffle has learned sit very well and is learning down. Pancake is not as interested in the food so is a little slower learning so far but still doing well with sit.

They are both terrified of other dogs, but curious enough to be brave after a few minutes and go sniff and greet. Puppy class was rough for them today with two 4-5 month old larger breed dogs but they went from screaming at the sight of the other puppies to bravely sniffing and not-so-bravely being sniffed. They are doing great with people, and have met a lot of people on our walks including lots of kids.

Both are growing and growing, and the size difference is increasingly between the two. At about 10 weeks old now, Pancake is still tiny at just over 4 lbs while Waffle is about 6 1/2 lbs.

Yesterday they got their booster shots and were also dewormed as I saw tapeworms in their poop.
Pancake kissing Kaytu
They love their house! I think it's "supposed" to be for cats.
Chasing after Kaytu
The other day I put them in the front yard to try to get some good photos. Waffle first, he was adorable and posed well for his photos.

Then Pancake. He doesn't like to sit still outside and was much more difficult, but equally adorable.

They should be going to an adoption event on Monday. Tuesday we leave for 2 weeks of vacation, so Monday will be my last day with them and likely the last time I ever see them. I only have 2 days left with them, which is so bittersweet.

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