April 16, 2013

Shelter Journal 4/16/13

I started today with Sugar. Best to start with a challenge I thought, while I'm fresh and have lots of patience. She hadn't been out all weekend, not since I had her out last Thursday. As I took the padlock off her kennel she was jumping, jumping, jumping, panting, big happy staffy smile! I squeezed in and got the leash on and to my surprise she wasn't as jumpy once I was in the kennel, and she wasn't throwing her weight into me as she had on Thursday. In the interact yard she was a bit jumpy but nowhere near as bad as before. She was more interested in toys, I could pet her without it being overstimulating to the point she would immediately jump, and by lowering my hands when she came running up it would stop her from jumping. The few times she did jump on me, she wasn't slamming into me as before. After about 10 minutes she was wanting more petting, and was even laying down to play with toys. I even got her to sit several times. Awesome! As I was walking her back to the kennel she was walking very nicely. Another volunteer asked who it was.. "This is Sugar!" I said proudly. Her jaw dropped. "THAT is Sugar?!?" I explained that the crazy bouncing dog in the kennel was, indeed, a crazy bouncing dog, but once she got some energy out she was very sweet and did a lot better; she'd do better if she was out more. Just have to keep her engaged and busy to prevent her from jumping at first!


Since Soria is next to Sugar, I got her out next. She was again very shy and reserved in the kennel and even peed submissively. Still not a fan of the leash being put on and tightened. Not a fan of anything on the back of her neck really. She seems to like being petted but stiffens a bit and is a little unsure. She also played a little and such. Very, very sweet girl.

Then I got Margo again and she's doing really really well with the ball training. She leaves the ball more readily, though is still very aware of where it is and she doesn't like to go far from it. It's easier to give her treats while I pick it up as well, she doesn't try to put her paws on it or pick it back up as much. Her biggest issue now I think is that she pulls soooo so hard on leash.

Next to Margo is Misty [Petfinder link], a gorgeous lab/pit mix I haven't gotten out before. She played a bit at first but then a dog came into the neighboring yard and she was completely obsessed. She wouldn't take treats, chase toys, or do anything but stare and yip and bark and jump up on the fence. I did my best to body block her and I decided to leash her as well. We walked around the yard but she didn't care about anything else at all but the other dogs. I only had her out about 10 minutes because she was so worked up she couldn't do anything but obsess, and it was stressing out the other dogs too. I know she'd be much better if she went for a good long walk! Too much energy in there.

Photo from SDDAC
I ended the day with Duke (one of 3 current "Duke"s at the shelter) [Petfinder link]. He's so handsome! Gorgeous red color. He's listed as a hound/pit mix but I'm see lab more than pit in him. Young dog, and soooo so sweet! He walked pretty well on leash, and after giving him some time to sniff around in the yard I thought I'd see if he knew any commands. There was no paper on his kennel and he's only been in about a week. "Sit" and he sat. "Down" and he laid down, with the help of a lure. "Shake" and he gave me his paw. He loved playing, chasing toys, and being petted.
Photo from SDDAC

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