August 11, 2012

Diesel Dilemma

Diesel is still here. I'm not thrilled about this. He was supposed to be gone by now and I'm going to have to call the foster organization yet again to find out what the hold up is. The main reason he's going to be leaving us is because he stresses Kaytu out. I'll get to that in a minute. Diesel is a great dog. He's sweet, bouncy, fun, and listens well. I love how active he is and that he can keep up with our huskies. Unfortunately he doesn't fit well with us. He is is very needy and pushy. When he wants attention, which is often, he demands it by shoving his drooly face into your lap. If we're petting one of the huskies he tries to push his way in between. This does not amuse me. It's not cute. It's never cute to me when a dog demands anything. At first, 3 and a half months ago, it was much worse as he would jump up on us instead of just pushing his way in and drooling on us. That behavior is almost completely vanished as we insist that he sits before receiving any attention. Ever. The only exception is if he's laying down calmly already.
[Tip: If you have a dog that jumps on you all the time, try it. It's like magic. Ideally I tell him to sit before he's thinking about jumping up. He only gets attention and petting if he is sitting. The instant his butt pops up the petting stops, I say "ah-ah!" and tell him to sit again. If he does jump up I say "ah-ah!" as I turn my back on him for a moment. I ask him for a sit again. If he is too excited to sit then he goes outside or in his crate for a few minutes until he calms down then we try again. Remember to pet calmly as excited rough petting will encourage the excitement and it will be more difficult to get the behavior you want. If he is ever laying calmly or randomly sitting calmly near me I give lots of calm petting and attention. Behavior is repeated more frequently when it is rewarded consistently.] 

Diesel is also very clumsy which may not sound like a big issue but it is. He's not aware of his body, though he has become more aware while being here. This is not appreciated by me, my husband, or the huskies. He is constantly stepping on us, bumping into us, knocking things over, stepping on the huskies, and bumping his drooly face against the furniture or walls. Bleeding feet, messes, and fights are the result. Kaytu and Diesel don't always get along. She is quite annoyed with him and tends to ignore him for the most part when she's not humping him. She does sometimes play with him. Playing with Diesel means she has a mouthful of his neck skin locked in her teeth and is trying to pull him down. Poor dog ends up with many little scratches on his neck and shoulders from both girls pulling on him but he never yelps and loves every moment. He's certainly not being mauled or seriously wounded. This is the major issue with keeping him though- it stresses Kaytu. Our own pets have to come first. She growls at him often. She has fought with him many times where I had to snap them out of it and separate them for a few minutes. She does not get along well with him and it's not fair to her. Most fights start because he stomps on her or doesn't take the hint when she growls and turns her back on him to decline an invitation to play. He is clumsy and when a 65 lb dog steps on you it hurts. Kaytu lashes out at him.

We do recognize that he is an amazing dog, but he just doesn't fit with us. He deserves to be fully appreciated for his bouncy, velcro, clingy, derpy self. We like that our huskies are independent and don't need attention constantly. Many people like a dog that is like velcro. Velcro dogs are not for me. I don't like when a dog is glued to me, always underfoot. The huskies don't care if I'm sitting in the living room and get up and go to the kitchen. They stay where they are. Diesel follows. He always follows. He wants to know what I'm doing all the time and he wants to be part of it. It's a trait that many people love in a dog but personally I don't. I find it annoying and irritating. I have worked with him on waiting while I go out of the room and it's not nearly as big of an issue as it once was but he likes to be right next to someone. If I go out of sight he waits right there for me to come back. For example he used to follow me upstairs when I had to go to the bathroom. After gradual steps he now usually stays at the bottom of the stairs while I go up and come back down. I don't need an escort to the bathroom and I don't need him crashing into my legs up and down the stairs.

Diesel has come a very long way since we first got him in May. Physically and socially he is much improved. He knows how to play appropriately with other dogs (for the most part, he does have a "scary game" that is harmless but terrifying to watch as he stands over another dog and shakes his head around while vocalizing). He has put weight on, his scars are healing well, and with a food change his skin and fur are better, he farts less, his poops aren't runny and he doesn't poop 6x a day, and he actually enjoys his food and eats it all.

Check out the vanishing scars! Specifically on his back leg.
Also note how much shiner and healthier his fur looks.
His muscle tone is also a lot better from running and mushing.
Scar on May 7th
Scar on July 19th. Where did it go?!

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